im struggling a bit with sending emails from sentry VIA SES on AWS.
Im using GitHub - getsentry/docker-sentry: Docker Official Image packaging for Sentry to create the images and feed all the settings via ENVs.
my ENVs for mailing look like this:
sadly this fails with a STARTTLS error:
18:09:25 [ERROR] celery.worker.job: Task[c0888b62-b699-4ebf-92fc-db84dc81bc4f] raised unexpected: SMTPAuthenticationError(530, 'Must issue a STARTTLS command first') (data={u'hostname': 'celery@eb47693186cf', u'name': '', u'args': '[]', u'internal': False, u'kwargs': "{'message': <django.core.mail.message.EmailMultiAlternatives object at 0x7f9273b0bdd0>}", u'id': 'c0888b62-b699-4ebf-92fc-db84dc81bc4f'})
im unsure if im running into this issue: Missing support for SMTP with SSL · Issue #4252 · getsentry/sentry · GitHub ?
anyone got smtp working on AWS with SES?