Strange error unable to track down: privateSpecialRepair is not defined

We’ve been getting this error, and having trouble replicating it, or finding a source:

ReferenceError: privateSpecialRepair is not defined
  at processRandomSelector(<anonymous>:1:243)
  at ? (<anonymous>:1:1)

Always comes from Chrome on Android devices (various types, various versions). Might have something to do with redirects as I see it on invites and email verification events.

Has anyone seen this error before?

Were you able to find out what caused this error @tomdmason ?

No, not yet

yes, i’m also get this error and still don’t know what causing this. is there any update on this?

turns out, in my case the error is always happen on specific brand of mobile devices (vivo) and also in my case the error is harmless

Were you able to find the root cause?

Seems for us it’s not limited to that device. hmm