Where are the release notes?

Where are the release notes for versions > 20.x.x ?

They used to be published in GitHub (https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/releases or in the CHANGES.md) , sometimes in the blog (https://blog.sentry.io/)


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Hi @forzagreen!

Due to the amount of changes in-between versions, even with a monthly cadence, it is not practical for us to have detailed changelogs other than these bare comparison views between releases for now: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/compare/20.7.2...20.8.0

That said we have processes in place to automatically extract new items from CHANGES.md into GitHub release notes and we aim to update CHANGES.md in the coming releases.

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Hmm… I just tried this strategy but I’m getting an error from GitHub that the page is taking too long to load. Are there too many commits or something?

Yup, too many commits. This used to work so either GitHub reduced their capacity or we increased our throughput.

There is no easy solution for this problem at a product this large being developed at very high velocity. We are looking into solutions but I don’t expect us to implement anything in the coming month or two yet.

To me, the statement “we are developing a large product at too high a velocity to communicate changes” is a terrifying thing to hear :slight_smile:

Please reconsider - communication is a critical investment in establishing trust!

We are and it is on our Q3 roadmap! :slight_smile:

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Great to hear! Is the roadmap visible somehow, even if it’s just “issue 21594 is in milestone 2021q3” or something like that?

If I know where to look, I don’t mind looking - I tried search on Github and Sentry.io for “roadmap” and didn’t have any luck; there were a lot of github tags for various roadmap items but none seemed clearly to be the Q3 roadmap.

That is something we have considered but haven’t put in place yet. Baby steps all the way: first get the basics right, like a proper changelog and then get more :slight_smile:

That said we do announce some upcoming features to get feedback as pinned issues on GitHub and here.

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Thanks Burak! Appreciate the work you’re doing & look forward to seeing release notes come back.

I was on a plane this evening & listened to a Request for Commits podcast from 2016 where David Cramer was talking about the importance of release notes & other open communication with the community in Sentry’s success. An unexpected and happy tie-in to this news from you in 2021 :slight_smile:

Cheers, Chris

Came here for the same question as OP, leaving rather baffled.

No release notes?! At all?!?

Yeah it’s embarrassing. We just started our Q3 and bringing back a changelog is our* main focus for the quarter. Embarrassment-driven development! :smiley: Stay tuned!

* Meaning “our team,” the Open Source Team, i.e., me and BYK. :o)

Good to know you guys are on it. Thanks Chad!