Fingerprint rule with custom title

I’m interested in setting custom title for grouped issues using method presented in Webinar: 3 Ways to Group Similar Issues at around 15:20 mark.
I’m testing it out with a python project. I have two hosts to feed events into the same sentry project.

I tried following fingerprint rules:
error.type:NameError -> Name-Error-Test
Results in: one issue from both servers, custom fingerprint is applied, works as designed

error.type:NameError -> Name-Error-Test, {{ tags.server_name }}
Results in: two separate issues with the same name, custom fingerprint is applied, works as designed

error.type:NameError -> Name-Error-Test, {{ tags.server_name }} title="Test-Error on {{ tags.server_name }}"
Results in: two separate issues with the same name, custom fingerprint is applied, custom title is not set.

I’m running onpermise 20.12.1 (bade073). I couldn’t find any documentation on using custom title in fingerprint rule. Could you please point to Documentation.

Could this help: Issue Grouping for Python | Sentry Documentation

Hey @failoman,

the custom title functionality is feature flagged.
The name of the feature flag is: organizations:custom-event-title.
This feature flag defaults to False on 20.12.1 - you can either override that or update to our latest 21.1.0 version where it’s enabled by default.

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