Saml provider not available


I setup an on-premise instance of Sentry and I am trying to get OneLogin integration. Unfortunately I cannot get Sentry to find a saml auth provider.

I installed the plugin by changing the Dockerfile to:

FROM sentry:9.0-onbuild
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y pkg-config xmlsec1 libxmlsec1-dev
RUN pip install

(just adding it to requirements.txt was not enough as it requires apt-get packages - if there is a better way to do it please let me know)

Unfortunately on the Auth page I still see ‘no authentication providers are available’. Interestingly when going to Admin->Packages I can see the sentry-auth-saml2 package available in version 0.1.0.dev0

Any ideas?


It looks like we still disable it by default. Probably something we can change at this point, but you can set the following in your config:

SENTRY_FEATURES['organizations:sso-saml2'] = True