Our Sentry on-premise server went down for some reason I could not determine. I apologise for the lack of details about this but I still don’t understand fully how Sentry and all it’s dependencies work, including Docker.
After the server failure, I tried to run the container again using docker-compose up -d
. The command also failed, so I thought it was a good opportunity to update Sentry version. I ran the install script, which updated things, created new images, etc.
The problem is that it appears to have created new Docker volumes, so we lost all of our setup, such as user details, project config, etc.
I did not delete any volumes or containers (except the ones that could have been deleted by the install script itself).
Here are the docker volumes in the server (we don’t use Docker for anything else in this machine, so they should all be related to Sentry):
local 592f952580eb343d612b6baf3a9986fe9df513606a1c8376932d1656a18eea76
local 603b4c73aae05fca068e840a2c1a3471d410deb40656285ce929353dec3e4c88
local 7102cc90afcfeaa2f96af44133f09a1ef4a1a6ac3997da79acc63e52e8b8ff71
local b4ac6715d96e732c2642e2df964a5bdd49f1bf991acbcfa6ef4de9da864f52aa
local sentry-clickhouse
local sentry-data
local sentry-kafka
local sentry-postgres
local sentry-redis
local sentry-symbolicator
local sentry-zookeeper
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-clickhouse-log
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-kafka-log
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-secrets
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-smtp
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-smtp-log
local sentry_onpremise_sentry-zookeeper-log
My question is, how can I try and recover our data? By using docker volume inspect
on these, the creation date is nearly the same, so it seems they have been all created by the install script.
I would appreciate any help you can provide on this matter.