String Formatted Timestamp in header no longer accepted by API breaking Clojure Raven Library

As of Thursday at 4:45 PM CST, all of our Clojure services could no longer write to Sentry.

We are using for sending exceptions to Sentry.

After troubleshooting, it looks like that the header timestamp (not to be confused with the timestamp for the exception) is being sent to Sentry as a formatted string, eg “2019-12-13 12:02:58.94.”

It seems that as of last night, that is no longer acceptable. We were able to submit an exception changing the header timestamp to an integer (seconds since epoch).

Did anyone else see this happen? Does anyone know if Sentry changed the API yesterday to cause this breaking change? And does Sentry publish breaking changes to their API somewhere?

@jlocker Thank you for reporting this. We know which change caused this and will fix this as soon as possible. However, please note that to my knowledge nothing other than integer timestamps were ever officially part of this protocol. Generally we do not ever intend to break any API related to event ingestion.

Thank you. We noticed that the exceptions were processing the same day we made our post. That’s a quick turnaround!

We are working with the maintainer of Raven-clj to fix the incorrect request, so this shouldn’t be an issue in the next couple of weeks should the API start enforcing it’s contract once again.