Where are default integrations

Hello community,

I’m looking for configuration of the Jira global integration. However, I can’t see it in the list. I’m using Sentry 9.0.0 and it is running on prem. I’m the owner of the organization “sentry”.
What is it I’m doing wrong? Do I need to configure global integrations somewhere?

Thanks for reading and regards,

Ok folks,

migrated to Sentry 9.1.0 and ran the mythical command line “pip install sentry-plugins” and now … there are some integrations below the Organisation menu item.
Aha, plugins are directly related to integrations. Good to know now. This connection could be made more prominent in the docs IMHO.

Problem solved. Back to work now.

Cheers, Dfahren

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Docs are pretty out dated, so many leading links leading to deprecated functionality or the wrong git package.