Connect 2fa not work

The problem is that, when I try to send to mail for to connect 2FA , I never recived this mail. ¿Can you help me?

Can you check your mail settings and try to send a test email first?

My config is ok in config.yml but I dont recived any mail. My config.yml

# Mail Server #

# mail.backend: 'smtp'  # Use dummy if you want to disable email entirely 'smtp' ''
mail.port: 587
mail.username: ''
mail.password: '.............'
mail.use-tls: true

# The email address to send on behalf of
mail.from: ''

Could this be the issue? What do you see when you try to send a test email from the admin panel?

It doesn’t do anything, no errors, nothing, that email is not valid, why? I tried to use the default configuration before modifying the smtp part in the config.yml and it didn’t do anything either.

I’m not sure if you are actually trying the same email testing page I’m referring to. There’s an email settings page where you can also try sending a test email. It will definitely say something, whether success or failure.

You need to have a valid username to be able to use GMail’s SMTP servers.

Thank you for your reply.
Can you tell me where is the mail installation page?
I only see this one:

Visit /manage/status/mail/ on your Sentry instance

This is my error:

I have a question, Is it possible to activate 2FA if I use google account to entry to sentry?

Possibly, but why not just enable it on Google?

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