I am using Sentry to log error from my Production environment.
The way my app is setup, it’s basically 3 app for 3 user type. Those apps share mostly the same code but are deployed on specific subdomain domains.
currently, I have Sentry setup like this in all 3 apps :
dsn: 'https://xxxxxx@xxx.ingest.sentry.io/xxx',
autoSessionTracking: true,
release: `myProject${pkg.version}`,
tracesSampleRate: 0.3,
So every app report to the same Sentry project, and inside that project I will have issue from all subdomain.
I do not face any problem with the current configuration. But I wonder if there is a better way to set this up.
Should I create 3 project for each app ? or different release for each ?
Thank you for the feedbacks