We are not capturing native exceptions in iOS and Android using the RactNative framework:
React Native 0.63 empty project
Sentry installation as https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/react-native/
“@sentry/react-native”: “^1.7.0”
Simulation of a 10s delays crash from Appdelegate.m by adding to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions :
double delayInSeconds = 10.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
int a=3;
int b= 3/a;
return YES;
Application crashes, but no crash shows up on the Sentry dashboard.
Crashes are sent to Sentry after the app restarts.
Did you try to start it again?
Also, I suggest starting the app in debug mode to see the device logs.
The device log does not have a hint:
flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Inspector
flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Preferences
flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin React
flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Network
2020-07-30 22:50:41.063684+0100 sentry[36350:408432] [native] Running application sentry ({
initialProps = {
rootTag = 1;
2020-07-30 22:50:41.122622+0100 sentry[36350:408540] [native] RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RCTDevLoadingView. This may lead to deadlocks
2020-07-30 22:50:41.576944+0100 sentry[36350:408537] [] nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C5.1:1] Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused]
2020-07-30 22:50:41.580347+0100 sentry[36350:408537] [] nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C5.2:1] Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused]
2020-07-30 22:50:41.583476+0100 sentry[36350:408540] [] nw_connection_get_connected_socket [C5] Client called nw_connection_get_connected_socket on unconnected nw_connection
2020-07-30 22:50:41.584044+0100 sentry[36350:408540] TCP Conn 0x600000789b00 Failed : error 0:61 [61]
2020-07-30 22:50:41.664395+0100 sentry[36350:408563] [javascript] Require cycle: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network/fetch.js -> node_modules/whatwg-fetch/dist/fetch.umd.js -> node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network/fetch.js
Require cycles are allowed, but can result in uninitialized values. Consider refactoring to remove the need for a cycle.
2020-07-30 22:50:41.773889+0100 sentry[36350:408563] [javascript] Running “sentry” with {“rootTag”:1,“initialProps”:{}}
2020-07-30 22:50:42.010178+0100 sentry[36350:408563] [javascript] RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RCTDevLoadingView. This may lead to deadlocks
hello 0
dsn: ‘https://3c7e--------------- 331’,
Sentry.nativeCrash(); // CAN not BE SEEN IN THE ISSUES