No Organization Access

Recently upgraded to sentry 8.22.0 onprem. The problem I’m having is that when a new user is registered, I received the error message:

No Organization Access

You don’t have access to any organizations within Sentry. Talk to a Sentry administrator about getting access

I can’t seem to find the option to assign a user to an organisation.
Additionally is there any way that I can set up sentry to auto assign a user to a default organization to avoid having to manually add them? Prior to the upgrade to 8.22.0 I did not have to do this.

I had same problem in a new installation…

Any update on this one?

Hi Guys,

Do you have "SENTRY_FEATURES[“auth:register”]=False
"? If yes, try turning it on True. No idea why, but it worked for me after that. Just on the first run after upgrading. Hope this helps. Cheers.

I have the same problem with Sentry 9.1.2 deployed in K8s with helm/stable

Checked the “Allow registration” setting to True in http://{sentry-root}/manage/settings /. Tried to add some parameters to

SENTRY_FEATURES [“auth: register”] = True
SENTRY_FEATURES [“organizations: invite members”] = True

When registering a new user, the message “No organization access” is still displayed on the login page.

Another problem is that a new registered user cannot be added to the organization or team - the user is hidden on the “invite member” pages.

I had something similar going on with my onpremis Sentry (with LDAP) and the reason it wouldnt associate the new user with an existing/default Org is because the Django ldap auth plugin requires the default Organization exactly the way its setup in Sentry, the full name of the Organization not the slug name.

You can always find this by logging as admin or the sentry_organization table in the database will reveal the name.