Cannot intgrate on-premise jira with on-premise sentry

I am trying to integrate my on-premise sentry (Sentry 10.1.0.dev079b31fc) with my on-premise jira.

I followed the instructions here:

I do the set-up on the JIRA side

I fill out the “Connect Sentry with your App” form.

I see the “Welcome to JIRA” form that states “The application Sentry would like read/write access to your data on [jira url]…Allow/Deny”

I click Allow.

I am redirected back to Sentry, but the integration is not listed as installed on the integrations page.

I can’t find anything useful in the logs on either the jira or sentry side.

Any help would be appreciated!

Same here. We tried using https://sentry.our.domain/organizations/sentry/integrations/jira_server/setup as a Callback URL with 20.7.2 version, but still got same result as you did.
Have you found the solution?

We got it to work but had to disable it again because the connected user had full access to Jira.

You need to make sure the Sentry and Jira servers can talk to each other over port 443.

You have to be logged-in into Jira with an admin user. A regular user cannot create webhooks.

We have no issues with communication between Jira and Sentry. For example, if we set a wrong consumer-key during setting up the integration on the Sentry side, we get an error like “can’t found the consumer-key”. And yes, we also use admin account in Jira in “administrative functions” mode.

So in our case using wrong URL in Jira application link was the problem. Changing it for some reason to https://sentry.our.domain/organizations/sentry/integrations/jira_server/setup from https://sentry.our.domain/extensions/jira_server/setup/ was a mistake.
After changing it back it works well.